APTA Learning Center

Your Access to Trusted Continuing Education

CEU Tracking

IMPORTANT: Continuing education requirements are regulated by the state boards of physical therapy. Each state licensing board has its own policies and procedures related to continuing education of its licensees. State boards of physical therapy place the responsibility on licensees to follow rules and regulations related to the practice of physical therapy and maintenance of licensure in their states. Licensees should verify acceptance of continuing education courses with their state licensing board by reviewing the relevant state practice act and/or administrative code.

APTA CEUs are accepted by most state physical therapy licensure boards, as allowed by the type of course requirements in state regulations. Please check with your local chapter or state board to ensure that they accept our online courses for licensure renewal. It is highly recommended that if you wish to use one of our courses to meet your renewal requirements, check with your state/local board BEFORE purchasing it. Most courses provide all CEU details in the description, but we are not always made aware of new rulings set forth by states/chapters.

Specific types of CEUs required by various states are provided below. To confirm the most up to date information, please review your state's Physical Therapy practice act. 
