Cognitive Functional Therapy for People with Disabling Low Back Pain
- Non-Member - $25
- PT Member - $10
- PTA Member - $10
- Student - $10
- Post-Professional Student - $10
- Staff - Free!
APTA has partnered with IFOMPT to provide this course. Please provide feedback so that we can continue offering these types of courses.
The presentation will overview:
- A case study with disabling low back pain
- The problem of disabling low back pain
- Common low back pain myths and facts
- The biopsychosocial processes that under pin disabling low back pain
- Guidelines for management of low back pain
- Screening, patient interview, physical examination and multi-dimensional clinical framework
- Cognitive Functional Therapy as a PT-led patient-centered behavioral approach to train patients to self-manage their condition
- Evidence for efficacy

Peter O'Sullivan
Peter O'Sullivan: Prof Peter O'Sullivan is Professor of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy at Curtin and a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist (as awarded by the Australian College of Physiotherapists 2005) who consults at bodylogicphysiotherapy.com. At Curtin he holds a part time appointment where he teaches at a post graduate level and conducts clinical research into musculoskeletal pain disorders. He also consults at bodylogic.physio in Shenton Park.
Peter and his team have an international reputation for clinical research investigating the development and targeted management of persistent musculoskeletal pain disorders. With his team he has developed a management approach for disabling low back pain – called ‘cognitive functional therapy’. He has published over 240 papers with his team in international peer review journals, written numerous book chapters in leading texts, has been an invited speaker at more than 100 National and International conferences and has run clinical workshops in over 22 countries. Peter’s expertise is linking of clinical research to the clinical setting.
Course Instructions
- Click on the Contents tab to watch the course recording.
- Click the Take Quiz button to complete the assessment. Learners will have 3 attempts to pass and must answer at least 70% of questions correctly.
- Click Fill Out Survey under the Evaluation listing to provide valuable course feedback. Scroll down on all questions as there may be answer options that expand past the size of the window.
- Click the View/Print Your Certificate button under the Certificate listing. You can view/print your certificate at any time by visiting the APTA Learning Center and clicking the CEU Certificate/Transcript link on the left-hand side of the page.
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